The new version of android software is named as google kitkat-said by the google in order to keep with its penchant to give tasty names to its android software for en powering mobile devices."As these devices make our lives so sweet, each android software version is named after a dessert," the California-based android software technology titan said yesterday in a blog post.
"As everyone finds it difficult to stay away from chocolate we decided to name the new version of android software after one of our favourite chocolate treats."
The list of Android software names over the years includes Cupcake, Donut, Ice Cream Sandwich, and Jelly Bean.
In a promotion deal, Google is enticing people with chances to win android-powered Nexus 7 tablets or credit at its online Play shop by buying kitkat candy bars featuring Android robot icons on wrappers.
Android software powers more than a billion smartphones or tablets worldwide, according to Google.
Smartphones powered by Google's Android software increased their global market share as iPhones lost ground in the absence of new models being unleashed by Apple, the International Data Corporation reported last month.
Android software share of the smartphone market grew to 79.3 per cent in the second quarter while that of iPhone slipped to 13.2 per cent from 16.6 per cent in the same three-month period last year, according to IDC figures.
"As everyone finds it difficult to stay away from chocolate we decided to name the new version of android software after one of our favourite chocolate treats."
The list of Android software names over the years includes Cupcake, Donut, Ice Cream Sandwich, and Jelly Bean.
In a promotion deal, Google is enticing people with chances to win android-powered Nexus 7 tablets or credit at its online Play shop by buying kitkat candy bars featuring Android robot icons on wrappers.
Android software powers more than a billion smartphones or tablets worldwide, according to Google.
Smartphones powered by Google's Android software increased their global market share as iPhones lost ground in the absence of new models being unleashed by Apple, the International Data Corporation reported last month.
Android software share of the smartphone market grew to 79.3 per cent in the second quarter while that of iPhone slipped to 13.2 per cent from 16.6 per cent in the same three-month period last year, according to IDC figures.
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